Cooking is about sharing, its about inspiring - I am always willing to share my recipes and all of them are fair game!
Recipes should be a guide, they should be there for you to absorb and make your own. Be present, think about what you are doing and more importantly why you’re doing it - this is how you learn to cook, rather than learn just how to follow recipes (believe me, there is a huge difference). You’ll be devising your own recipes and creating masterpieces from fridge leftovers in now time! Tweak, change, adjust - don’t be afraid to try, don’t be afraid to make mistakes! Take notes, learn! Cook to your own palates and your own likes/dislikes! That is what recipes are there for!
‘Chippy’ Chips Potato Tortilla & The Ultimate Chip Butty!
Leftover chips, turned into a potato tortilla, turned into the ultimate chip butty! Absolutely magic!
Honey & Cumin Roasted Swede On Toast
Swede is not just for mashing/crushing! It is totally delicious roasted! This honey and cumin roasted swede on toast is utterly delicious!
Cheese & Beer Battered Green Tomato Cob
What isn’t there to love about a proper cob! Make it generous, dont be shy with the thick sliced cheese and dont fear the raw onion! More is more with this one!
Sprouts & Sherry - a marriage made in heaven! Another banger to turn the heads of any sprout hater!