The Advice, Reviews & Ramblings of A Food Obsessed Chef!
Where I’ve Been Eating
Love Letters
My Great Shrewsbury Chinese Restaurant Adventure
Seasonal & Surplus
Kitchen Hacks
Kitchen Insights
The Royal Oak, Whatcote - A Michelin Star Restaurant Built Around a Community
The Royal Oak, Whatcote - a great example of where Michelin Starred dining can incorporate the entire local community!
Novello Lounge, Telford
My first visit to any of these ‘lounges’………heard amazing things about the coffee, let’s find out what this Telford branch has to offer!
Petit Glou - Light & Fresh Lunch Packed With Quality Produce
Petit Glou - a great example of considered, sustainably focussed food that doesn’t disappoint with flavour. Light, fresh, delicious!
The Hotel Continental Breakfast! How Circumstance Beats Flavour!
How circumstance is the greatest ingredient of all! Explained through the means of a Continental Breakfast!
Bobby’s Tacos - They Do Sunday Brunch!
Bobby’s Tacos; the latest cool vibe, hipster esque joint to open in Shrewsbury. They don’t just do tacos though…..they do a spectacular brunch every Sunday!
Long Live The Wok King? Or Is It Time For A Sundorne Bastille Day?