Cooking is about sharing, its about inspiring - I am always willing to share my recipes and all of them are fair game!
Recipes should be a guide, they should be there for you to absorb and make your own. Be present, think about what you are doing and more importantly why you’re doing it - this is how you learn to cook, rather than learn just how to follow recipes (believe me, there is a huge difference). You’ll be devising your own recipes and creating masterpieces from fridge leftovers in now time! Tweak, change, adjust - don’t be afraid to try, don’t be afraid to make mistakes! Take notes, learn! Cook to your own palates and your own likes/dislikes! That is what recipes are there for!
Swede & Rosemary Cake
You’ve all had carrot cake, well make way for Swede Cake! Equally delicious and another amazing way to use up your root veggies!
Swede & Cheese Gratin
Deliciously sweet roasted swede layered with fresh thyme, salt and cheddar cheese! Simply delicious!
Honey & Cumin Roasted Swede On Toast
Swede is not just for mashing/crushing! It is totally delicious roasted! This honey and cumin roasted swede on toast is utterly delicious!
Crushed Swede
Crushed swede is one of my all time favourite side dishes! It’s criminally underrated! Simple, delicious, comforting, it’s got everything going for it!
Pot Roast Partridge, Pears & Butter Beans (Partridge In A Pear Tree)
Partridge, Pears, Perry, Butter Beans. A delicious, seasonal one pot wonder! Minimal effort, maximum results!
Sprouts & Sherry - a marriage made in heaven! Another banger to turn the heads of any sprout hater!